Why Use Online Marketing for Your Business?

Marketing in a very basic sense is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to potential customers for the purpose of selling that product or service. There are two forms of
1. Traditional Marketing.
2. Online Marketing.

Traditional Marketing in a basic sense is the marketing we practice in our day to day activities e.g market place, offices e.t.c while 

Online Marketing is the marketing practised through online platforms.

As a business owner/startup which of these forms of  marketing is best for you?

Difference Between Traditional Marketing & Online Marketing.    

➤ Local Audience.
➤ Not Easy to Measure:- Untrackable.
➤ More Costly.
➤ Static, No Way to Interact.

➤ Infinite Audience.
➤ Local or Global.
➤ Customer Interaction; Feedback.
➤ Takes time to see result.
➤ Viral.
➤  Measurable.

Now that we have seen the difference between traditional marketing and online marketing, which then is best for you? 
Answer: Most people would pick Online marketing over Traditional Marketing, which ofcourse they are right but both forms of marketing work hand-in-hand, and no one should be left out, rather online marketing can be practised more depending on the type of business involved.

Why then should i practice Online Marketing?:- For most business, online marketing helps you to reach large number of potential customers compared to traditional marketing, and you would be able to interact i.e know what your customer likes and wants to change about the product/services. It also helps you fully target who your customers are either sex type, age or location.

We have passed the era of just 'word-of-mouth', we are in a era where everyone is surfing for what they want to see, want to hear and want to buy. and all these takes place online, why don't you integrate online marketing into your business. 


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